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When will the next update come out

I don't know yet

I hope it's the maker update

Super Mario Sandbox is basically the same thing.

Hey superpi2~
I like your works on Scratch very much~

I wanna invite you to our Scratch Game Jam#8

Hope to see you participate and we're looking forward to what you'll make🥰

(1 edit)

pls add 32 bit computer compatable i beg you

android version pretty lag tho

Better performance on most levels. Still sort of laggy. Maybe everything at least 30FPS?

(6 edits)

I'll edit this as I think of more feedback.

The toad house minigame where it shuffles items could be better. Normally it isn't all bad since if you can keep up with the item you want, you can get it. But in this, the items are just teleporting around. If you can, I think giving the hidden items smoother movement would make it alot better.

This game seems to not feature coyote frames. They're always nice to have in a video game. yeah that's pretty much it what else can I say

I think the player's sprite on the overworld should always be their small sprite, but with the colour palette of the powerup they have. The big sprites with everything else on the overworld feel kinda weird.

Another thing that imo feels too big for the overworld is the castle sprite. You could make a smaller sprite but I wouldn't mind if you just shrunk it.

I think it'd be cool where if you collect a powerup you're already using it gets put in your reserves. If you feel this is a bit overpowered, some coins to help you get a reserve powerup would also be nice.

Other than this stuff, I'm really enjoying this game! Pretty good difficulty level, nice level design... nice! Looking forward to finishing this comment so I can get back to the game!

I LOVE IT!!!!!

I LOVE this game. The design choices are right into the spot. I specialy like:

  1. That the 1UPs give items instead of lives. Because in the original game lives are useless since you get em when you have none.
  2. The ninja powerup. As an improved version of the fireplant.
  3. The time trial parts of levels.
  4. The 4 characters to choose.
  5. The level design.

Although I have to say that there’re some bugs (I’ll make a list as I continue playing), some desert levels lower the FPS a lot, and some aspects could be changed to make the icons better (eg: instead of the star for the “ninja” power up, make a ninja suit sprite just like the penguin suit of SMB Wii etc).

very good


it is fun, but i play with a pc controller and up is down and  down is up lol

You can rebind the directional controls in the settings. Different controllers tend to have slightly different configurations.

works great now, awesome nostalgic game, thanks!

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